“Privacy Policy”
This website does not represent a newspaper organization, therefore it cannot be considered an editorial product under the Law no. 62, 7.03.2001. The texts and photographs published on this website are copyrighted, all rights are reserved by Albertiweb & Visitaflorencia.com. Some images used may be derived from the web; if they , in any way, infringe the copyright, upon notice, will be immediately removed.
What is a cookie and what is it for?
A cookie is a small file that is sent to your browser and saved on your device when you visit a website like this Website/Blog. Cookies allow efficient operation of the site and improve its performance. They can provide the owner of the site for various types of information for statistical purposes or advertising, used mainly to personalize your browsing experience remembering your preferences. For example, they may register the language and currency of your favorite settings for the next visit and you will not have to record them again.
We use “cookies” to be sure to get the best experience on our website.
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