We’re waiting for the Easter coming on April, 4th this year and, meanwhile, would like to tell you about an interesting Easter tradition in Florence:

Scpoppio del Carro

Scoppio del Carro, or the explosion of the carriage, is held every year in Florence on Easter Sunday. This festival signifies the Holy Fire that was kindled using the stone chippings from the Holy Sepulchre that was then used to kindle the flames on all the hearths in town. Every Easter Sunday in Florence, a great chariot dating back to the eighteenth century pulled by white oxen parades around the town from Porta a Prato to the Cathedral Square. A wire connects it to the main altar in the cathedral and when the time is right, during midday mass, the Cardinal Archbishop will light a rocket that is shaped like a dove with the Holy Fire obtained from chippings from the Sepulchre. The rocket would shoot down to the chariot that is filled with fireworks and would ignite with a bang to the cheers of the gathering.

Despite the fact, that this year we’re celebrating Easter at home (due to the covid-emergency), our team believe in the safe future for all of us in a shortest time and also:

We wish you a Happy Easter 2021!